Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Tues. May 15 - 7:05 am

After 3 succesful weeks of dialysis, it's getting harder to remember the bad days of dialysis (about 4 months work!). I'm thankful to you who prayed for me (and still do) and to those who encouraged me. I thank the Lord for sending you to me.

This week my mind is on Dwayne O. and Carolyn. If anyone need prayers it's them. They are going through real difficult times and my heart goes out to them. I know God will give her the grace to get through this. She mentioned a request for prayer to me Sun. and I'd like to ask you to pray for God to answer it if it's His will. What is the request? For now, let's just know that she and God knows the request.

We have a wonderful God whose grace is sufficient at all times in all ways.

Have a great day. Be a testimony of God's goodness today@

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