Saturday, April 21, 2007

Welcome Friends!

Last year I was told I had kidney failure and it was necessary to go on hemodialysis to live. So this blog is for those of you who are praying for me (I appreciate that so much), for those who encourage me (hey we all need hugs!), and for those who take me to dialysis or doctors' appointments (couldn't do it without you!).

Initially my 2 daughters took me everywhere (and they did it willingly, and still do I might add), but they were missing so much work some friends volunteered to help drive.

If you're not familiar with dialysis, you generally got to dialysis clinic 3 times per week for 4-6 hours). Here's a link to the place I go and has many informative articles and videos on the kidney and dialysis if you're so inclined -

One of our church members, Tracy volunteered to keep a schedule of the drivers and email them to take some of the load off my daughters. She did such a good job that on my dialysis day, I don't normally even know who's picking me up. I just go down to the main floor about 5 minutes before they come and wait to see who will drive.

This blog is about considering one another to stir up to good works, but actually for the most part the last several months quite a few people have been doing that to me. I'm so grateful for their help and find myself scratching my head almost daily about the enthusiasm of the 18 or so people who volunteered to drive along with many others! What a great God we have!

So, I'm going to try to update this through the week and let you know how my adventure is progressing and fill you in on upcoming special attractions (like surgeries, etc).

Along with the status of my adventures, I'm going to try to give you some things that may encourage you also.

Once again, thank you so much to my daughters, Tracy, and the many people that have gotten involved. It humbles me, and makes me thankful for such a great God that watches over me and has sent so many to encourage me.

I hope I may be an encouragement to you through this all.



Geekbert said...

Dan, this is a great idea. I thought about some of the problems you've had with dialysis and saw the name of the clinic. You're living Davita Loco. :-)

Is this completely replacing Aravadar?

Anonymous said...

You can leave a comment and put at the bottom anonymous

Anonymous said...

I will try this again.
Let me know if this came thru!
Thanks again for the blog and keeping us in the loop.
Love you guys

Unknown said...

Hi Dan, Will keep you in prayers. Love you soooooooo much Linda(sister)