Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Tues. Oct. 30 - 2007

Dialysis went well.

Since my "balloon" surgery a week or so ago, I believe I'm starting to feel better. Not as whipped after dialysis. I'm still a professional sleeper yet, but who knows?

They started using half of my fistula in my arm and that is going well. They said if all continues to go well, then I'll be able to get my catheter removed. Hooray! no tubes sticking out of me!

Many of you have been asking me about Ken at dialysis. I'm glad to inform you that he is still around. He was in the hospital for a while, but is now confined to a hospital bed so that is why I haven't seen him in his usual location. I went over to talk to him but he was sleeping. One of the techs told me he was going blind. So.... thanks so much for your prayers for him. Please continue to pray for him and for his salvation. I'll try to talk to him Thurs.

Thanks to all of you for your prayers and support. It means so much to me.

Please remember to pray for Bill C. and also for Jim Pantele's dad and the family

Love you

Monday, October 22, 2007

My hand is wrinkly!

well, 8 hours after they "ballooned" my artery my hand swelling is going down. My right hand after 8 months is finally starting to look like my other hand. hoo rah

As soon as I'm able to just use the fistula they'll remove the catheter from my left side and hopefully prevent more swelling. I'm pretty excited as you can tell. Maybe some of the other problems I've been having will start going away.

Thanks for your prayers!

Mon Oct 22

Just got back from my nephrologist. I've been having a lot of swelling in my right arm and before they would allow me to use my fistula (special arterial bypassin my right arm to enlarge the blood vessels for dialysis).

They performed and ultrasound then an angioplasty. Seems that from all the catheters i HAD there was a 95% blockage to my heart causing a backup of fluids to my arm. The put a balloon in and opened it up to 23% blockage.

So, tomorrow another adventure begins. I get to use my fistula. If that works out then the swelling should go down, then I get to have my catheter removed and then I get to take a real full shower after 7 months. I know you'll be relieved!

Thanks so much for your prayer and suppot these last months.

Love, Dan

Saturday, October 20, 2007

sat oct 20

well, I finally broke downand visited the hospital thursday. I've been feeling sick for the last week and thought I should check it out. Blood tests showed my potassium levels unusually high. but after 6 hours they sent me home.
still sick today and they had to stop dialysis early because of low blood pressure. but I guess whatever the problem is, it hasn't c0me to a head yet.

Ken at dialysis hasn't been coming so I ask you to pray for him as you generally don't live more than 2 weeis of stopping treatment

Thursday, October 18, 2007

thur oct 18

Hi folks,

doing okay. new medication for nausea working. but now I'm hungry again....

Monday, October 15, 2007

Mon. Oct. 15

Went to the doctor today. Found out that due to the kidney disease I have a neuropathy in my stomach. Which basically is that my nerves aren't functioning right so I'm not digesting food completely. This causes me to be nauseas all the time. So the doctor gave me something to force my stomach to digest. We'll see.

dialysis in 10 hours. hoorah!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Oct. 11

Dear Friends,

Tough day today. the Dialysis really sapped my strength.

I'm just going to take it easy tomorrow.

Ken wasn't in today. The nurse said he was in the hospital. Please pray for him.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Tues. Oct 9

Good morning!

Had a nice weekend. My face is swollen today.

Tomorrow I'm going to my vascular surgeon and hopefully he'll tell me we can staRT USING THE FISTULA he put in a few months ago,

You might notice my spelling is off from time to time. I have glasses and they have helped a lot but they just don[t replace my real eyes. It's still a little trouble seeing.

I was thinking about you today. About people that know people who have been sick for a long time. It must get tiring for you to have to deal with that also. Having to listen to my complaints every time you see me. sorry

Thanks for your prayers. Remember to pray for others and that you're not here in this world for you. Don't get discourage in well doing. Jesus knows all about it.


Saturday, October 6, 2007

Sat. 10-06-07

Doing okay today. Just tired.

dialysis going good.

Last couple days were rough, but what else is new?

See you Sunday

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Thus. - 10.06.07

I'm doing fine. I'm in dialysis right now. It's 7:40 am.

The last few weeks have been okay. Just the usual.

I went in Monday for a "Gastric Emptying Test". What I thought it entailed and what it was was 2 different things. Basically they wanted to observe how my body digests food. So after having some dye-laden scrambled eggs and a slice of test, I layed down for about 90 minutes while they watched my stomach digest food. Basically the machine kind of took x-rays and nothing actually touched me. Should have the results of that the end of the week.

They're just trying to find out why I'm so nauseas all the time.

Please continue to pray for Ed er Ted er Ken here. I need to ask him what his name really is. The main thing is to pray for him as he has only showed up about half the time this week.