Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Tues. Oct. 30 - 2007

Dialysis went well.

Since my "balloon" surgery a week or so ago, I believe I'm starting to feel better. Not as whipped after dialysis. I'm still a professional sleeper yet, but who knows?

They started using half of my fistula in my arm and that is going well. They said if all continues to go well, then I'll be able to get my catheter removed. Hooray! no tubes sticking out of me!

Many of you have been asking me about Ken at dialysis. I'm glad to inform you that he is still around. He was in the hospital for a while, but is now confined to a hospital bed so that is why I haven't seen him in his usual location. I went over to talk to him but he was sleeping. One of the techs told me he was going blind. So.... thanks so much for your prayers for him. Please continue to pray for him and for his salvation. I'll try to talk to him Thurs.

Thanks to all of you for your prayers and support. It means so much to me.

Please remember to pray for Bill C. and also for Jim Pantele's dad and the family

Love you

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