Monday, May 7, 2007

Mon. 05-07-07 - What a Life!

Good morning all!

I'm in dialysis today instead of tomorrow because tomorrow is my cataract surgery. I'm trying not to get my hopes up but the thought of being able to read and see better has a certain attraction to me. Whatever the end result, I thank God for loving me and watching over me.

The dialysis are still going good. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. If I could be so bold to ask you to continue to pray for me. I value your prayers.

Last night was without pain and without pain pills! Amen!

I enjoyed church yesterday. It's always great to hear God's word and to be with His people.

I told some friends of mine last night that my illness doesn't bother me as much as having the right attitude. That's where I need your prayers the most. I owe everthing to the Lord and it's the least I could do to be a good testimony for him.

Love friend in Christ, Dan

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