Thursday, May 3, 2007

Thur. - 04-03-07

6:47 am- Good morning! I'm in dialysis, hooked up and ready for my 5 and 1/2 hour adventure,

Dialysis has been going good. My nights have been very painful with this neuropathy in my legs. The doctor gave me some medicaton for it and I took it one night and it still hurt. Talked to the nephrologist (kidney doctor) the other day and he says you have to take it for about a month for it to start working. Oops!

Surgery in my arm seem to be healing good. My arm is still swollen. Not sure if that will stay like that. Final surgery in 2 months.

I've been enjoying the series Pastor has been doing on Wed. night. He's doing a summary of the Bible and how to apply it. I'm sorry I haven't taped it for you, as it is so useful. His mastery of God's word really is enjoyable. You know, I've read and heard these things through the years, but looking at it as an overview really makes it pop out. God really knew what He was doing. We sure have a great God!

Well, I'll talk to you later after dialysis and let you know how it went.

1:36 pm - Another succesful dialysis! - Other than the tech forgetting to turn the heparin (blood thinner) on it went well! I could get used to this!

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