Friday, May 18, 2007

Hey, I was looking for something to do...

I can't believe it. After going on almost 4 weeks of succesful dialysis, I'm back in the hospital again. First they said I might have pneumonia, but now they think I have an infection in my catheter! All I know is I've been sick. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.

They scheduled me for dialysis today at 11 am.

So it looks like I'll be here a few days at least.

It's okay though. I know the Lord will take care of me.

And speaking of being cared for...

My daughter Joy informed me that I wss put on the "geriatric" ward! She's such a brat! They told me I was going onto the pneumonia floor. Joy said, well dad, mostly old people get pneumonia! The only comfort I have is that time will fly for her to.... she's right behind me.

Her and Sher take such good care of me that I have to let her get in a dig every once in a while.

I ask that you continue to pray for Carolyn and her husband Dwayne. And if you think of it for my attitude that I would be a good witness.

Stay tuned! Thanks for your prayers

1 comment:

mike garner said...

Hi Dan, Just a note to let you know you are in our prayers. Suzette just called asking if I had heard anymore bout you. Ask the girls what time BINGO starts on that floor so we can come up and play!ha
Going to the mudhen game today and my Step-dad is going with us. He as always wanted to eat at Tony Packos so we will do that before the game. Lord Bless and hope you get home soon Mike and Benita