Wednesday, August 13, 2008

For God KIND of loved....? God wasn't "wishy-washy" about us... He SO loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son...
...and I'm SO glad He did.  One of the benefits of having "end stage renal disease" is that it gives me a lot of time to think, pray, and observe.  I'm SO glad He gave me this opportunity that I might not ever have if I had continued in the rush of life.
I had prayed to be transferred to a new dialysis place so I could get all my doctors in the same system so they could know each other when I get in trouble and they need to make important decisions on my care.  But as I sat in dialysis yesterday (which went fine by the way), I was kind of bummed.  Bummed because they changed my hours later.  That put a burden on you that I didn't really want.  Sher of course had to get up for the last several months at 5:30am and maybe in a way God is giving her a break finally.
The Lord willing some day I'll get another car and drive my self.  My sister Linda or my daughter said "what happens if you are too sick to drive?".  Then that will be an exception for the day and I'll have to burden someone to take me and pick me up.  But the other days I can drive my self.  Actually I've been feeling good the last 3 months except for a few days.
  I have mentioned getting my own vehicle a while back and a few of you said that I would be taking a blessing away from them.
That would be something I'd ask you to pray about.
Please pray for Carol Crumpton's grandson, Jake.  I understand he is in grave condition.  Also for the family that God would give them peace about the situation.
Also for Jim Pantele's stepmother children,  Ashleigh and Jonathan, on the loss of their mother.  Please ask God to comfort them and that they would have some Godly influence in their life as they grow up.
We only have one life to live in this world.  One life to live for the Lord and be a living testimony to His glory.  Let's not waste it.
One thing I need to work on is to lift one another up.  You know how they say when you go camping that you should leave nature in better condition when you came?  I want to leave this world having encouraged people by my talk and walk so that they do the same to others.  But most of all that they find the Lord and sing praises to His name!
This life is so short.  Let's not take for granted the friends and loved ones God has given us to be an encouragement to.
Love, Dan

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