Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Another beautiful day

Had a good dialysis.

Went to lunch with some friends.

We need to encourage one another to love and to good works. I'm thankful for the life the Lord has given me and the people he has placed in my path.

Thank you so much for praying for me.

Please pray for one another.

Don't ever forget how the Lord has saved us and how He watches over us.

Do you know about the "silent sufferers" in your life? If not, seek them out, find out their needs, then pray for them. If you don't know any "silent sufferers", then ask me and I'll tell you about them. Silent sufferers are people that don't complain. They don't make it known about the trials they are going through, but nevertheless, they need our prayers and support.

Pray for Tony and Andrea as they move this weekend and all the work they are doing to get ready for the "big day"

If you can help them, then do.

Love, Dan

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