Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Lord of the Harvest wants you/me

Hi Everyone,

You know if you’re a Christian there is so much for us to do and so little time to do it in. It’s easy to get caught up in our own little world of circumstances. I know I do, but fortunately something jolts me back to reality.

The two people at the dialysis center I have been burdened for have both taken turns for the worse. Ken, the guy who has lost his will to live, has not been back for over a week. The last time I talked to the nurse they said he was in “the hospital”. Because of privacy concerns, that often is all they can say. So, I don’t know whether he is in the hospital or what. I pray he’s in the hospital as he doesn’t know the Lord.

Another person, Joey, who sits next to me went to the hospital and got a “code blue” there. It’s surprising. He’s younger than me, thin and is pretty active, but has had a lot of problems. Please pray for him. Not sure of his salvation. Don’t think so. The way they have us placed it’s not conducing to talking to anyone.

When I first got saved we had some friends we went to church with and enjoyed many times together praising the Lord and just enjoying each others’ company. Monday we got word that one of those friends, Sherry, had taken ill and was told she only had 24 hours to live. This has saddened me much and caused me to be much in prayer for her.

I’m including an excerpt of an email one of her children sent (I think they had 7). Even though I know their hearts are heavy it was a great encouragement to read it and see how a child of God responds when it’s time for them to go home.

God bless you all.

I am so thankful that my mom is at peace about going home to heaven - she has been encouraging everyone just to stay close to God and to continue to serve him because he and he alone is faithful. It's amazing to see her. There was a nurse that worked with us the first night - her name was Karmmyndie she was the sweetest nurse - totally put up with 20+ people in a hospital room in the middle of the night - brought us a service tray full of food - she was the best. at the end of her shift she came to say goodbye to my mom and my mom just told her how grateful she was for her and the nurse started to cry and my mom pulled her close and just hugged her tight. My mom recieved some beautiful flowers from her a few hours later. my mom is just that way with people - she loves them :)

It's been amazing to see the people come through the door - everyone who she touched their lives in some little, small way. I think I've seen most of my relatives in the last 2 days. My great grandma came in to see her (my mom's grandma) and I think I lost it when she bent over to kiss my mom's cheek. My great grandma looked at me and said "I wish this was's not supposed to be this way....I've lived my life - she hasn't...." Another sweet moment was when my uncle Kenny came - he's my grandpa's brother. He went over and gave my grandpa this huge bear hug and my grandpa lost it at that point...he's been so strong through all of this....

I wish I could personally thank each of you for your words of kindness and prayers right now....but from the bottom of my heart - thank you.”

36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."

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