Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I talked to Ken!

Dialysis went well today.  I'm starting to get the hang of the new procedure.  They gave me a prescription for a topical analgesic.  Hopefully that works because those needles are big!  Had been doing good till last night.  Lot of pain in the legs, but everything else is okay.
Now, the good news.  I got to talk to Ken today.  He actually seemed glad to see me (poor guy).  I was just thinking that if you felt like writing him a note of encouragement, I'd be glad to give it to him.  He's in a nursing home now since his last hospital stay and can't walk.  Says he doesn't hardly get any visitors.
Dummy me didn't ask if I could visit him or if there is anything he needs.  I'll ask the next time.
Thanks for your prayers.  You are all such an encouragement to me.  How privileged I am that God put you all in my life!
Good to see Jim C. the last few weeks.

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