Monday, July 16, 2007

I was just thinking...

The last few weeks have been a blessing and an adventure. Through these many "adventures" I've had since finding out my kidneys only function at 4% I've had a realization that I am VERY high maintenance. Our week is consumed by dialysis, doctors appts., hospital visits, making appts. for new procedures, filling prescriptions, and on and on.

As these weeks have passed I've come to this realization that in another day or time I'd either be dead or in a nursing home. I have nothing against a nursing home if that's what's needed, but hey, I'm only 58! that's supposed to be for older people. Of course, each year my vision of "older people" gets older and older :)

My daughters have sacrificed everything to take care of me. ... Their money, their time, everything. Through this all I can honestly say they have never once complained.

Last night I told them what I was thinking and they said, "Dad, we're not going to put you in a nursing home" God love them both!

I pray that one day God will send to them godly men that will fill their needs. And that's what I'm asking you to do. Pray that God would bring a godly man to each of them. They ask for nothing and I know God blesses them for their attitude and love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey there my high maintenance friend! I'm already on the case, and so are others as well. While I don't know what God's will is for them, I certainly do pray that God will send each of them am AMAZING godly man because in my ever so humble opinion, those girls are nothing short of AMAZING! Love to all of you! Tracy