Thursday, April 3, 2008

I'm Out!

Got out before 6 pm and boy am I glad! Took a longggggg shower. My hand and arm looks like a pin cushion but doing okay.

If you ever are in trouble health wise, St. Joe's is the place to be. They'll take care of you.

Had a psychiatric exam and guess what, I'm sane! I'll be on coumadin (blood thinner) for 6 to 12 months and then they'll check me again. If I have a reocurrence of clots, then I'll be on them the rest of my life. Phew! Well, no trip to North Carolina for a while. Sorry boys down South. I was so looking forward to seeing my kids, and grand kids.

While in the hospital I was thinking about the preciousness of life and how I missed you all.

Looking forward to seeing everyone soon.

Love, Dan

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Dan - sounds like you face much by way of trials. I'm praying for you my old friend. Sorry to see you face this, but your spirit is reflected in your comments. Keep the faith....