Friday, October 31, 2008

Good day Thursday

Dialysis went well Thursday.  I got an electric blanket for dialysis.  It's a "throw" and measures 4' x 5'.  It's perfect! and I was warm the first time.  What a blessing and I mean that!
Once again I'm reminded how blessed I am.  Luana besides me was vomiting the whole time.  She has such a rough time on dialysis.  And Jeff was cramping ( a common occurence on dialysis because often your blood pressure drops suddenly and drastically).
Please pray for Jeff and Luana and Norman. Norman has been so depressed about dialysis that he quit coming for about a week.  As a result when he came back he had to be rushed to the hospital.
Most people on dialysis go through some depression (even me when I feel sorry for myself.  Fortunately that is rare).  Typically if you quit dialysis your life span is about 1 or 2 weeks.
Dialysis is serious stuff and I'm reminded of it every other day.  I thank you for praying for me and for those of you who drive me to and from dialysis.  It means so much to me.
Love, Dan

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