Friday, July 11, 2008

I'm a bad boy!

Missed dialysis Thursday.

I woke up throwing up and so I stayed home. Nauseus the rest of the day. Seems I had run out of one the pills that helps a condition I have in my stomach (gastropoesis). Once I got the pill it subsided. Actually I have another pill I'm supposed to take for that but it causes me to be extremely anxious and depressed. I'd rather throw up than have that. So I have to deal with the nausea. The one pill that did help is for another problem that I have, but it seems to help out so well, that's enough about me.

How about you? How is it with you and the Lord today? Are you right with Him. If you're not, nothing and I mean nothing else matters. God loves you and wants you to have the best, but if you're not right with Him, then you're just looking for grief. So get right!

Well, you have a great day.

Love, Dan

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