Thursday, July 31, 2008

I need energy

Man... I'm so weak

dialysis was just okay.

very low energy

could hardly walk to the mail box.

haven't been able to take my walks 4 houses down.

haven't been eating much lately. asked my daughter to get me some prepared energy drinks.

I know there are those of you that sometimes feel the way I do. That the Lord would just take us away. It's selfish, I know, and I'm sorry for feeling that way. God has been so good to me and you have prayed so much. I'm so ashamed of my feelings. I'm sorry for being such a bad example. I want to be such a good testimony for you. And show you how to live under adversity. But hey, I'm human and there are days, unfortunately, that I feel sorry for myself.

What a baby. there are so many people that have it worse than I and don't even hardly complain at all. I'm sorry for feeling sorry for myself.

I guess this day is the day to ask you to continue to pray for me

and thank you as I know you already do

love, Dan

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