Thursday, February 12, 2009

Lfe is Good

It's good to be alive.
Sure, I have health issues and today was no exception
But God had been good to me.
Hey!  I'mn driving again.  And gues what?  No sooner did I get a vehicle than I found out my brake line was broken! Well, it's in the shop.  By the way,an honest and I mean honest repair guy is Ted Benny at the Heritage Care Care on Allen road in Taylor.  Ted is a great guy and he'll do a good job for you
Please pray for Jeff.  I've been talking to him and "encouraging" him to come to church.  I reminded him of Hebrews 10:25
Please pray for Danny Dague Jr.  He's in tough shape tonight.
I  love being alive at this time in our world's history.  God is working and I see it.
Love, Dan

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